Firefighter Day on the Hill.

Firefighter Day on the Hill a success

   Greetings. The Legislative season is in full swing and we have many bills being presented that we need your help to get passed, there are a few that we want to see defeated. Watch our web page for “Calls to Action” and know who your Senators and Representatives are and how to contact them. If you do this, they will know you are paying attention and they notice that fact.

   Firefighter Day on the Hill was a success as we were able to have meetings with and talk to many Legislators about our bills. Thank you to the firefighters that took the time to come and help with this. It is important that the people there see actual firefighters and not just us Red Coats so it sinks in that we have a HUGE voting bloc. Congratulations to Waucoma Fire for winning the Chili cook off, my wife and I came in as the first loser again.

   I had the privilege of manning a both at the State Fire School and was able to talk to many of you throughout the two days. Your input is greatly appreciated and I will always listen to your concerns. We the Board understand that we serve, You, our members.

   The requests for Length of Service Awards have been on an increase (or so it seems) and I think I can speak for the rest of the Board in saying these are events that are fun and informative for us to attend and do. Anytime we can have direct communication with members is a good thing and helps us understand and do what you want and need done.

   Yours in Service.

Roger Carr,

iFA President




Blaze Publications, Inc.

Jeff Gargano - Editor
P.O. Box 122
Humboldt, IA 50548

News and Advertising: News and advertising deadlines are the 15th of each month for the next month's issue.


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