State Fire School

“We are all firefighters because we love the fire service and we inherently want to help those in need. Keep that passion, keep that commitment, keep learning, and keep caring for each other.” - Jess Dunn, Chief of our Iowa Fire Service Training Bureau 

Last weekend, we hosted 371 firefighters at the 99th State Fire School in Altoona. These brave men and women dedicated two full days to learning about best practices and resources, networking, and listening to lessons about influential leadership. 

This annual event is an incredible opportunity to build relationships with fellow fire professionals and stay up to date on industry practices. 

It's also a great reminder of all that the State Fire Marshal can offer to the roughly 820 fire departments across the state: FREE, top-notch education on everything from HAZMAT classes to instruction on grain bin or rope rescues. 

Thank you to all who attended and supported this event - we hope to see you next year for the 100th State Fire School. Special thanks to the Altoona Fire Department Color Guard, MacKenzie Highlanders' Pipes and Drums, and Chief TeKippe with the Des Moines Fire Department who sang a beautiful rendition of the national anthem.

Photos and information from the Iowa State Fire Marshal Division Facebook page.

Blaze Publications, Inc.

Jeff Gargano - Editor
P.O. Box 122
Humboldt, IA 50548

News and Advertising: News and advertising deadlines are the 15th of each month for the next month's issue.


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