On October 26, the Belle Fourche Volunteer Fire Department hosted a Senior Level MLFTU training session. A total of 17 certified instructors participated in the training, 15 of those from west river so that our cache of Senior Lever instructors now statewide. Submitted by Don Ward, VP SDFA.

   Dec. 5, 2024: 6 p.m. Arrowhead region meeting, location not listed.

   Dec. 6-8, 2024: South Dakota Fire Chiefs Annual Leadership Conference, Deadwood.

Dec. 7-8, 2024: Ness City Fire School.

   You may not enjoy reading books, but reading smoke is a must for all firefighters. Assessing smoke and its interaction with building construction is a crucial part of the size-up that every firefighter should conduct upon arrival. With practice, this skill can be honed to take only seconds.

   Members of the Alpena and Town and Country Fire Departments responded to a car fire early on October 24. The fire was a result of a car vs. deer collision. No injuries were reported. Submitted by Rick George.

   The annual States Networking meeting was held in Des Moines on Nov. 8-9.

   The last several months have been busy for the KSFFA executive board. In addition to the monthly scheduled regional fire schools there have been several other conferences and educational opportunities that executive board members have attended.

After burning 167 acres near Pine City over the course of about two weeks, the Minnesota Incident Command Center lists the Evergreen fire as 100 percent contained. Officials said Friday, Nov 1, the result is a testament to the hard work of firefighter crews, but they had some help late last week with rain and snow.

	On October 26, the Belle Fourche Volunteer Fire Department hosted a Senior Level MLFTU training session. A total of 17 certified instructors participated in the training, 15 of those from west river so that our cache of Senior Lever instructors now statewide. Submitted by Don Ward, VP SDFA.

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Air show

Holt County Fire Departments took part in putting on the O’Neill Summerfest Air Show on July 19 and 20. The departments provided

Ladder Bail Out

   This month’s drill focuses on a skill we as firefighters hope we never need to utilize, however, if the situation arises where it is needed, you’ll be glad you

Evansdale fire

On June 20, at around 12:30 p.m., Evansdale Fire Rescue was dispatched to a fire. Upon arrival firefighters found a detached garage fully engulfed. The fire was quickly extinguished.


Blaze Publications, Inc.

Jeff Gargano - Editor
P.O. Box 122
Humboldt, IA 50548

News and Advertising: News and advertising deadlines are the 15th of each month for the next month's issue.


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